
And it doesn’t help when you’re sick.  Yeah, I think I’m coming down with something.  It’s kind of…demotivating. Still, 715 words isn’t too shabby.  I’ll definitely write more over the weekend.  What’s more, a pretty little romance story has sprouted up in my novel…

Thoughts on Writing Groups

It’s been really interesting to compare my experience with the Quark writing group with the writing group in English 318.  There really is a lot of contrast between the two, and that’s helping me to understand what works and what doesn’t, and what writing groups are good for and not so good for…

A new hypothesis on the infrequency of dating

I ran into a friend / old roommate at the library just now.  He greeted me by saying “so, you’re as lame as me for not being on a date Friday night?”  He then proceeded to give a very interesting hypothesis as to the meaning of this…

Thoughts on Arts and the Spirit of the Lord

My friend Andy wrote on her blog about this really powerful and influential talk by Boyd K. Packer about Mormonism and the arts.  I haven’t read this talk before, and all I can say is: wow.  Well, actually, that’s not all I can say, because I’m about to blog about it…