So I just finished the rough AI draft of The Soulbond and the Sling, after nine days of outlining and prewriting, and five days of working with Sudowrite to generate it. The rough draft clocks in at 18 chapters (plus a prologue and an epilogue), 80 scenes, and 153,254 words. I used about 770,000 AI… Continue reading The rough AI draft of The Soulbond and the Sling is complete!
Tag: Triumphs
The Sudowrite draft of The Riches of Xulthar is finished!
It only took about a month, but it would have been much faster if I’d used Story Engine. Honestly, I probably could have generated the text in a week if I’d used that tool, or perhaps even an afternoon. Instead, I outlined the project myself, wrote the first couple of paragraphs for each individual scene,… Continue reading The Sudowrite draft of The Riches of Xulthar is finished!
Children of the Starry Sea cover reveal!
Behold! This is the ebook cover for Children of the Starry Sea, coming out sometime this summer! If it looks familiar, that’s because I kept the art from my earlier experiments with Stable Diffusion—the feedback was so positive, including from my writing group, that I decided to make only a few minor tweaks, such as… Continue reading Children of the Starry Sea cover reveal!
At long last, after more than a year, the rough draft of Children of the Starry Sea is now complete! It clocked in at just over 149k words, which makes it the longest book I have written since I started publishing (the first novel I ever finished was a 168k word train wreck that will… Continue reading IT IS DONE
How I hacked my ADHD to triple my daily word count
Writing with ADHD can be tough. It’s easy to beat yourself up for being “undisciplined” or “lazy” when the greater problem is that you’re trying to work against your ADHD instead of finding ways to make it work for you. It’s like swimming against a rip current instead of swimming sideways to get out of… Continue reading How I hacked my ADHD to triple my daily word count
Sons of the Starfarers: Omnibus I-III just hit the #1 spot!
OMH! Oh my heck! Sons of the Starfarers just hit the #1 spot on Amazon’s Science Fiction > Space Opera subcategory! No secret here, other than a 99¢ BookBub featured deal. I’ve sold a couple thousand copies on Amazon already, easily earning back what I spent on the ad. Looks like BookBub still has legs!… Continue reading Sons of the Starfarers: Omnibus I-III just hit the #1 spot!
Gunslinger to the Stars Progress Update
The 2.0 draft of Gunslinger to the Stars is now complete—and right on deadline, too! This draft ended at about 62k words, 13% less than the first draft. Leaner, tighter writing, with a lot less exposition and a lot more character voice. Before I publish it, I do want to get some more feedback and do… Continue reading Gunslinger to the Stars Progress Update
The Sword Keeper 1.0 is finished!
It’s been roughly four and a half years since I wrote the first word in The Sword Keeper, and now the first draft is finally complete! I finished it on Monday and promptly came down with the flu, which is why I’m only writing about it now. This is my first complete fantasy novel, which is kind of… Continue reading The Sword Keeper 1.0 is finished!
New story, new release!
I have a story out in the latest issue of Perihelion! To read “L’enfer, c’est la Solitude,” click here. It’s free to read! Those of you following the blog for a while will recognize this as a story I wrote almost exactly two years ago. Here’s what I said about it back then: I can’t stand people… Continue reading New story, new release!
How going indie is like driving a manual (plus a cover reveal)
A couple of weeks ago, I got a new (to me) car. It’s a 2005 Ford Focus / Saleen: a two-door hatchback that drives like a racing car and gets about thirty miles per gallon (WA-A-AY better than the gas guzzler I was driving before). It’s also a manual transmission, which is perhaps the biggest… Continue reading How going indie is like driving a manual (plus a cover reveal)