I will turn this time suck into a powerful new writing motivator

Last night, I caved and bought the new FTL game that all my friends have been talking about. OMIGOSH. Six hours later, I was screaming in agony as my awesome starship went down in flames.  AGAIN.  In sector eight (on the easy setting, though, so not too impressive). Seriously, this game is AMAZING.  I haven’t… Continue reading I will turn this time suck into a powerful new writing motivator

Trope Tuesday: Rebellious Princess

You know that innocent and beautiful fairy tale princess, with the tricked out dress and the power to summon woodland creatures?  The one with a tendency to get kidnapped, but who always ends up happily ever after with her prince charming? Yeah, that’s not this princess. A rebellious princess would just as soon puke if she… Continue reading Trope Tuesday: Rebellious Princess

Some new thoughts on productivity

I’ve been thinking a lot about writing and productivity, mostly because I seem to be struggling a lot with it lately. With nanowrimo just starting, this is a pretty topical thing to blog about, but I also want to look at it from a long-term career perspective, since that’s what I’m personally more interested in.… Continue reading Some new thoughts on productivity

Trope Tuesday: Freudian Trio

Last week, I blogged about the Three Faces of Eve trope.  But if we’re going to discuss power trios in any depth, we first need to examine the classic Freudian Trio, one of the most prevalent combos and, in some ways, a precursor to all others. As you might expect, the Freudian Trio borrows heavily from Sigmund… Continue reading Trope Tuesday: Freudian Trio

Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri, aka the best 4x strategy game of ALL TIME

Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri is, without a doubt, the best strategy game I have ever played.  I have many fond memories playing it into the early morning hours while I was in college. I just bought it for $2.99.  What have I done?? The last time I played this game, it quite literally consumed my… Continue reading Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri, aka the best 4x strategy game of ALL TIME

Trope Tuesday: The Three Faces of Eve

Why do so many character combinations come in groups of three?  Unlike love triangles, where the combo is primarily a way to build conflict, the characters in power trios all build on each other in some way.  They might be foils for each other, but as complementary archetypes, they do far more to drive the… Continue reading Trope Tuesday: The Three Faces of Eve


I have a confession to make…I bought minecraft a week ago, and I’ve been playing it almost non-stop ever since.  It is such a fun, addicting game! The goal is…well, there is no goal, and that’s kind of the point.  You start out in this vast open wilderness full of resources, and you gather them… Continue reading Minecraft!

Worlds Away from Home 2.1 is finished!

Yep, that’s right! I finished another novel, in this case the second draft of my fourth. It’s not without its flaws, but good enough that I won’t feel humiliated for life by sending it out to my first readers. Anyhow, here are the stats: Worlds Away from Home 2.1 ms pages: 450 words: 96,212 file… Continue reading Worlds Away from Home 2.1 is finished!

Paradigm shifts and finding balance

Yesterday, I was going to write a post about how pathetic this past week was: I only wrote about 1.5k per day (while unemployed), and spent most of my time on the internet reading blogs. However, after reading some more of Dean Wesley Smith’s blog series, Kililng the Sacred Cows of Publishing, I have to… Continue reading Paradigm shifts and finding balance

New OCR album and my first chiptune

So overclocked remix came out with a new album a few days ago, and it is absolutely fantastic.  It’s called THE ANSWER, and it’s a fanmade album of music from the Armored Core series. For those of you who don’t know, ocremix is an online community of video game music fans.  It’s got a database… Continue reading New OCR album and my first chiptune