- Finish Mercenary Savior 4.0 (almost there!)
- Figure out a good elevator pitch for MS 4.0.
- Memorize the bus system of Columbus Ohio.
- Get con roommate’s phone number.
- Get a ride Sunday night from the Salt Lake airport.
- Acquire and memorize the convention schedule.
- Figure out a list of specific goals to accomplish.
- Do laundry.
- Pack (leaving plenty of empty space for books).
- Make a bag lunch for the flight.
Am I missing anything?
Hey, you’re already finished number 7!
Except you also ought to plan a warlockian wardrobe. At least, that’s what I’d do. No sense going to a con if you don’t look like a Master of Reality.
Are you planning on buying a lot of books?
No, they just give away a ton of freebies. Everyone gets a bag full of books at the beginning, and then you can usually trade them for other ones at a table somewhere near the main auditorium. Last year, I must have come back with at least the membership rate in free hardcover books, possibly twice as much.