Uh oh…more projects?

That’s right.  I recently formed a writing group with some friends, and decided to workshop Bringing Stella Home through it.  They went through the first chapter yesterday and tore it apart.  I appreciate the help a TON, but I’m going to have to start making revision to it now, so that subsequent submissions to the writing group won’t have the same issues.

So, that makes three major ongoing projects for me now: the Genesis Earth 3.0 revision draft, the Ashes of the Starry Sea 2.2 draft, and now, Bringing Stella Home 2.0.  It’s going to be very hard to juggle all three, and one of them will probably fall through  the cracks (probably Ashes, to be honest).  However, I’m going to do my best to give them all equal time.  We’ll see if I succeed.

In order to accomplish this, I’m probably going to have to make some changes to my daily routine.  Right now, I work out, eat breakfast, read the Book of Mormon, and arrive on campus ready to write…at about 11:00 am.  And that’s on a good day.  I write until about 2:00 or 3:00 pm, then go home for lunch, take a nap, check the internet, be lazy, etc.  At about 7:00 or 7:30 pm, I head back up to campus and write until about midnight.

So far, it’s been working.  I’ve been averaging 4k words per day pretty regularly these past couple of weeks.  However, if I’m going to work on these projects, I might have to focus and up that wordcount a bit.

Therefore, I’m going to try to cut back on IMing while I’m writing.  Usually, during the day, I’ve got gmail open on my browser and I check it from time to time.  I’ve got a couple of friends with whom I usually keep a running chat for the entire day, which can be maddening when you’re trying to concentrate.

I’ve been thinking about cutting back on the IMing for the last few weeks, but thus far it hasn’t been too much of an issue.  However, if I’m going to buckle down, something’s got to go.  Sorry.

(Of course, it remains to be seen if I keep this resolution.  Internet habits die hard.)

In unrelated news, I cooked the AWESOMEST chili today!  Best chili of my life, and what’s even better, I cooked it in MASSIVE amounts!  Here’s what I put in it:

diced onions
ground beef
kidney beans
pinto beans
black beans
crushed tomatoes
diced jalapenos
plain yoghurt

The secret ingredient was definitely the yoghurt.  Adds a creamy texture, like sour cream without the unhealth stuffy.  Also give it a rich and interesting flavor.

Good stuff!

By Joe Vasicek

Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction books, including the Star Wanderers and Sons of the Starfarers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus. He claims Utah as his home.

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