“When ships were wood and men were iron…” Mr. Midshipman Hornblower by C.S. Forester

The most popular modern saga of the days when ships were wood and men were iron. New York Times Book Review That is, perhaps, one of the best blurbs I’ve ever read for a book, and it’s certainly fitting for the Horatio Hornblower books. These are the classics that inspired David Weber to write Honor …

Joe Reviews: A Nefarious Plot by Steve Deace

Some books that address controversial issues try to appeal to a broad audience, building bridges and trying to persuade others onto their side. Others are written to a narrow audience, to galvanize the true believers and give them strength and clarity as to the rightness of their side. Neither approach is bad necessarily, but it’s …

Review: Live Not By Lies by Rod Dreher

This the most important book I’ve read all year—quite possibly, the most important book I’ve read since graduating from university in 2010. In some ways, it’s the antithesis of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, or at least it provides a useful and practical counterpoint to it. In other ways, it’s a history of the parts …