“When ships were wood and men were iron…” Mr. Midshipman Hornblower by C.S. Forester

The most popular modern saga of the days when ships were wood and men were iron. New York Times Book Review That is, perhaps, one of the best blurbs I’ve ever read for a book, and it’s certainly fitting for the Horatio Hornblower books. These are the classics that inspired David Weber to write Honor …

The Fourth Turning by William Strauss and Neil Howe

This is probably going to be the longest 3-star review that I’m ever going to write. Don’t get me wrong. This is a very important book, perhaps one of the most important books of our time. Anyone who wants to understand why our world has gone so crazy and where we can expect things to …

Cleaning up

I have made the executive decision to drop all but four of the books on my currently reading list, not because I don’t plan to read them, but because I need to finish these ones first before I can move on to the other ones. Specifically, I need to finish The Fourth Turning, which may …

How many books should you read at the same time?

One sure sign that I’m in a reading slump is that I’ve got about a dozen books in my “currently reading” list—which of course means that I haven’t picked up most of them in several weeks, perhaps even months. But is this the cause of the problem, or merely a symptom of it? It could …

Water damage!

So I was reading The Fourth Turning by William Strausse and Neil Howe, and I made the mistake of leaving it on the pillow next to the baby while she was taking a nap. When she woke up, she grabbed it and started sucking on the corner of it, so now those pages are water …

November 12th Orem Library Trip

Took the family to the Orem library today. We’re making it a family tradition to go every Thursday, and so far it’s working out really well. Carried Princess Hiccup in the baby carrier, and while she didn’t sleep this time, she didn’t fuss much either. Here are the books I checked out: Children of Time …